
Tuesday, 5 January 2010

Building a Responsive List

Building a responsive list is an integral part of making your business a success. Building a responsive list does not necessarily mean building a large list, but most importantly, a list that generates readership. It is often the case that smaller lists end up yielding better results, as the members on the list are more active and therefore responsive.

There are a number of ways in which you can build a responsive list. An effective means of building a responsive list is by starting a blog. A blog is a direct platform of interaction where you can present your ideas and individuals can gather information. Since blogs are usually targeted towards an exclusive audience, you will find visitors with specific needs visiting your web page. And if you provide them with the feed they are looking for, you will quickly build up a number of regular visitors. Once this happens, you can place a box for subscription on your page. Your regular patrons will be more than happy to sign up and receive additional information from you. This is a particularly effective way of building a responsive list.

If you do have a blog by which you are considering building a responsive list, it is critical that you consistently post relevant material. Add articles at the very least on a weekly, or better yet daily, basis. You may wonder how to find so much material to write or comment about. However, if you want genuine results from your attempt at building a responsive list, you have to work hard and find all the material you can. Visit other blogs, go through your old newsletters, read ezine articles, and get acquainted with the latest happenings.

If you do not have a blog, but feel you have some valuable articles, try article distribution. Post your articles on a number of e-magazines, online journals, and forums. This way, not only do you promote your articles, you can also work towards building a responsive list. Provide a link for subscription at the bottom of your article and add a line such as: “If you liked this article, let me know, and if you want regular updates, sign up for the free newsletter.”

Therefore, concentrate on building a responsive list rather than a mass mailing list. You must make every effort to ensure that an increasing number of people on your list actually read the newsletters and in some way help you generate revenue. Merely mailing newsletters to unresponsive subscribers will not yield results, and defeats the fundamental purpose of building up a mailing list.

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